
Pedro Henrique

Mobile Developer

FlutterTech ItemiOSTech ItemAndroid


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Sankhya Business Management - May 2023

At Sankhya, I worked on the BIA project, the Virtual Management Assistant. BIA is a chatbot that helps with business management, especially when computer access is limited. I used technologies like MOBX, followed SOLID principles, and adopted a clean architecture approach to develop the system. Additionally, I performed maintenance and fixes on native iOS apps using Swift. My experience at Sankhya enhanced my technical skills and provided me with a solid understanding of how technology can drive business processes.

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Megaleios Mobile Development - Sep. 2022

During my time at Megaleios, I gained valuable experience in the mobile development industry, working on challenging projects that allowed me to use various technologies. My main focus was on developing robust and user-friendly mobile applications using Flutter. To achieve this, I used Testflight, Getx state management, native device features, Bloc, maintained legacy apps, employed clean architecture, adhered to SOLID principles, consumed APIs, and integrated Facebook Developer with mobile apps. I also worked with native iOS features.

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Ubistart - Aug. 2022

During this journey, I was responsible for creating screens, styling, animations, API consumption, state management using the Provider package, and using native features such as camera, internet, and storage. I also implemented Shared Preferences for local data storage.

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Petwiz - Jul 2021

My first professional experience was as a freelancer working for my university professor. This opportunity arose after winning a hackathon in first place at my university (PUC GO). The project in question was a mobile app focused on animal welfare and services for pets. It was an honor to work with my professor, and we used Flutter technology to develop it. It was a great opportunity to gain experience and learn more about app development.

My Projects




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Let's talk and explore new opportunities together.


Pedro Henrique